This coverage aids in assisting you getting your automobile back up and running when it breaks down. The following roadside emergencies are covered:
Towing to the closest repair shop where the necessary repairs can be performed
Battery Jumpstart
Tire Changing
If your keys are left inside your car, lockout services (up to $100) are available
Fuel delivery to help get you to a gas station or your destination
Which Vehicle Types Are Covered by Roadside Assistance Program?
This coverage extends to cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, and RVs.
What kind of damage is not protected by comprehensive coverage?
Damages resulting from colliding with an object or another car are not covered under comprehensive coverage. The collision coverage extends to these situations. Additionally, it won’t cover your car’s typical wear and tear. Items that typically need to be replaced over time due to usage are included under regular wear and tear. These items include: